Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ADHD and Pesticides

Okay, I am sure that you have heard about or read about the new study that links pesticides to kids who have ADHD. When Carson was born, ADHD was linked to watching too much TV as toddlers, a couple years ago it was a lack of Omega 3 fatty acids that was linked to ADHD and everyone started giving their kids fish oil (myself included). Every few years “they” are going to find some new link to ADHD and I will have one more reason to feel guilty for my son having it.

I guess my point is, no matter what caused my son to have ADHD it doesn’t change the fact that he has it. It does little to help Carson if I sit and stew about this new information. I can only take what I can from this study, (like one more reason to buy organic and have my own garden) but it is really a small blip on my radar because I have much more important things as a mother to deal with. So, if you are a mother thinking your son or daughter has ADHD because of the produce you gave or are giving them, don’t feel guilty. Just move forward and do your best.

What I did find disturbing about this article I read on Yahoo News was the comments of some seriously ignorant, uneducated people. One person commented that parents who can’t control their children made up ADHD and another person commented that psychologists made up ADHD to give them something to do outside the mental hospital. Please people, didn’t your mothers ever teach you, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”? I realize that ADHD may be over diagnosed and that some parents may use the label ADHD as a copout, but there are a lot of us who indeed have a child with a problem and as a parent I am doing everything that is humanly possible to help Carson succeed. So please don’t judge me. Please wait until you have, as my mother used to say, “walked a mile in my shoes.”


After posting, my lovely sister-in-law mad a good point and one I failed to mention. Most scienctific finding agree that ADHD is extremely hereditary. I have siblings with ADHD so that is most likely why Carson had ADHD- not pesticides or TV.

She also said maybe I should join a support group. Her comments were very kind, but made me feel as if I am coming off as a big whiner. That is really not my intention. I just want to show support to those who are out there that might be struggling and might like to know that I am dealing with the same things.

So leave some comments! Am I really being a big whiner? What direction would you like the blog to go in?

1 comment:

  1. No way! You are not a big whiner. Sometimes I just want to TALK about it. With someone who will understand. It may seem to others as whining but to me it is like harmonious symphony. You get me. You get my kid. WOW!
